Friday, September 15, 2006

Bibliotherapy Complete

Ah, the bibliotherapy session was magnificent and the mocha (soy, no whipped cream) was delicious. I feel renewed and ready to read all weekend if the weather ends up being as ugly as the forecast indicates. However, I have learned that sometimes the best forecast is sticking your head out the window. Our weather "experts" here hold the only job in which a person can be so wrong so many times and still be able to continue in that job. But I digress. Added to the teetering piles (oh how I wish my unread books could be as few and contained as Dorothy's!) are:

  • The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone. My Mom had this book in her closet when I was a kid. I would sneak in when left alone and just look at the very plain cover and imagine what was inside. Because it was in the closet I thought it must be a dirty book, but because it was in plain view I didn't dare swipe it to read it. Not until I was an adult and my husband started reading a very old and beat up copy which fell apart, did I find out the book was about Michelangelo. Now we have a nice copy that won't fall apart.
  • Comicomics by Italo Calvino. I love fiction that incorporates science and this book is short stories that have characters that are mathematical formulae and simple cellular structures. According to the back of the book "Calvino succeeds in relating complex scientific concepts to the ordinary reactions of common humanity."
  • Rereadings edited by Anne Fadiman. As someone who does not re-read very often, reading about others who do fascinates me.
  • Lion's Honey by David Grossman. Another book in the Cannongate myth series. This one is about Samson.
  • House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski. This one will be interesting. It has different fonts, regular narrative, letters, pages with only one or two words on them, footnotes, backwards writing, and an index and I'm not quite sure what else. One of my husband's former co-workers who has read it said she loved it and I trust her opinion. A blurb on the back of the books describes it as a "rollicking Pynchonesque oddity, a Nabokovian linguistic obsession, and a Borgesian unreality."
  • The Adventuress by Audrey Niffenegger. This is another book like Three Incestuous Sisters. It looks like it will be a delight.
I feel like I am stocked up for winter and fall has just begun. I'll be ready this winter and next winter too. Heck, I'm ready for an ice age! Update. In my excitement last night I forgot to include the link to Dorothy's impressively tidy TBR shelf. It's there now, so you can go look.