In the Stacks
I have mentioned my basement library several times. It is not very grand, nothing but a small, dim room that was meant for a tv room. But my Bookman and I have lined it bookshelves and filled it with the bulk of our collection. The shelves in the center of the room are double sided and contain nonfiction. The perimeter of the room is fiction. These photos are for you Bob.
From the door. The piles on the floor are books that have to be shelved.
The first aisle viewed from just inside the door. Fiction "A" starts on the left. (alpha by author)
The second aisle from the back corner of the room.
The empty shelves are paossible because of the the two bookcases bought eariler this summer at Ikea and placed upstairs in the living room.
I also have books in my work room which I don't think I have posted before. The top shelf is my to be read shelf. The one below it are books about books. Below that is a mish-mash of reference, literary criticism and philosophy. The shelf with the stereo is all reference. The bottom shelf is my collection of history books about witchcraft trials in Europe.
This is my desk where all the blogging happens, and the shelves above it. The top shelf is where my years of journals live. The one below that is filled with books about writing. The shelf just above my desk has a few reference books but mainly holds my printers and about fifteen bottles of fountain pen ink.
There are are other places in the house just begging for shelves. But we will have to fill the ones we have first. As you can see, we're doing a good job. But what else is a house for other than a place to eat, sleep and keep books?