Monday, October 31, 2005

Personal Essay Class, Week Seven

Tonight I am abandoning my husband to the hordes of trick-or-treaters and our dog who goes crazy every time the doorbell rings. The cat, in cat fashion, couldn't care less, but will be in hiding to avoid the maniac dog. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but class calls. The sacrifices required of writers! Ha! This week we read three essays that were supposed to illustrate "meandering form." The essays were all wonderful, Natalia Ginzburg's "He and I" about the conflicting personality traits of her and her husband, M.F.K. Fisher's "Once a Tramp, Always..." about cravings, and Virginia Woolf's "Street Haunting" about walking the streets of London with the excuse of going to buy a pencil. We were then supposed to write our own meandering essay nugget. I must say this is the most fun assignment so far. Perhaps the meandering essay is more my style, or maybe it has to do with the fact that my meandering brought me to writing about reading and books. Since it ended up being about books I think I will post it here. I have some formating changes to make and some template changes so I don't have to display the whole long thing on the page. If time allows I will get it up today, otherwise, look for it tomorrow. Happy Halloween!