Do You Have a Secret?
You may have heard of the PostSecret project and seen the website. Now there is a book. The book is a pleasing package. The dust jacket looks like brown paper, has a stamp and a postmark at the top. The title and address for mailing your secret appears in the middle. It is "handwritten" with what looks like a black Sharpie marker. At the bottom is a barcode strip the post office attaches to letters these days for processing through their computerized machines. Inside is page after page of full-color postcard secrets people sent to Frank Warren, the creator of the project. Even though one could sit and read the whole book in an hour, I couldn't do it. Some of the secrets are just so heart breaking that I found I couldn't go on. I'd then have to put the book down until the next day. But then could only read a few pages before I had to put the book down again. Here's a few examples of what I mean by heart breaking:
They aren't all sad. Some are funny like the one that says "When people upset me I draw pictures of them on buses going to Hell, disaster, or Ohio." Or the this one: "I used to fertilize a ring in our lawn every time I mowed it. It grew. My parents still think it was aliens." And a few of the cards just made me plain happy:
- Sometimes I wish that I was blind, just so I wouldn't have to look at myself everyday in the mirror.
- I can't tell my mom about the rape...she wouldn't want to know. And it kills me.
- God is the only one who loves me no one else on earth does (typed in braille)
- My dog knew all my secrets, but one. I put rat poison out back to get rid of a family of rats. In around five days I had no more rats. Around two weeks later, I had no dog. I hope someone can learn from my mistake. Max, I'm so sorry. We miss you so, so much.
I have made six postcards with secrets that I was afraid to tell the one person I tell everything to, my boyfriend. This morning I planned to mail them, but instead I left them on the pillow next to his head while he was sleeping. Ten minutes ago he arrived at my office and asked me to marry him. I said yes.The book is definitely worth a read. And part of the proceeds from the book go to support the National Hopeline Network, a 24-hour hotline for anyone thinking about suicide or knows someone who is considering it.