Friday, September 01, 2006


Carl has issued the R.I.P. (Readers Imbibing Peril) challenge. From now until October 31st, those taking up the challenge will read 5 books that meet the criteria of being "scary, eerie, moody, dripping with atmosphere, gothic, unsettling, etc." Since I am a complete horror wimp, I am aiming more for unsettling than scary. In no particular order, here are my five:

  1. The Monk by Matthew Lewis
  2. The Phantom Rickshaw by Rudyard Kipling
  3. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
  4. The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley
  5. The Best Supernatural Tales of Arthur Conan Doyle by Arthur Conan Doyle
An eclectic bunch. I am thinking I might start off with The Monk to sort of set the tone. This should be fun! Posting might be irregular over the next several days. My sister is visiting from Los Angeles. Today we are going to the MN State Fair. Sis has brought bobblehead Chaucer with her and gifted him to me (she's a good Sis!). Chaucer will be venturing to the fair with us today. He has a great desire to have his photo taken with some farm animals. He has also heard that the Mall of America is a place of pilgrimage and wants to see that too. Some people have garden gnomes that go traveling, I've got Chaucer.