My place of employment has been kind enough to give me the day off today and tomorrow. This long weekend is shaping up to be rather book-filled. What better way to end and begin a year? Today is gray and raining out. Yes, raining. A strange thing to have rain in Minnesota at the end of December. I love to spend rainy days snuggled up with books. The only thing I lack is a fireplace. Today I have been reading my first subscription copy of The Times Literary Supplement. It's great to get it in the mail since I can't find it on the newsstand anywhere. The unfortunate thing is that it is sent from Britain and it takes two weeks to get here. I have also been shopping online at Barnes and Noble's after holiday sale. My kind sister gave me a $25 gift card. It is fun to buy books with a gift card. I feel like I can be frivolous and take a chance on what I buy because it isn't my own money that I am spending. Of course I went over my card amount but only by a few dollars and I am getting seven books and free shipping! Here is what I can thank my sister for:
- Fiction & The Reading Public by Leavis
- Stranger Shores: Literary Essays, 1986-1999 by J. M. Coetzee
- Where the Stress Falls by Susan Sontag
- Novel Ideas: Contemporary Authors edited by Margaret Love Denman
- Boswell's Presumptuous Task: The Making of the Life of Dr. Johnson by Adam Sisman
- Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters by John Steinbeck
- The Cave by José Saramago