Monday, February 16, 2004

New Books!

One of the delights of having a husband who works for a big book store is the surprise of publishers sending him books to read in the hopes that they will be displayed prominently and/or talked up to customers. Frequently these are the books that need the most help in getting noticed when sometimes they shouldn't be. But the books that arrived today look promising.

  • For Us the Living is a "new" Robert Heinlein book. It is the first novel he ever wrote from 1939. It's about a man who was in an accident in 1939 and then wakes up in 2086. Talk about culture shock. This book is in stores now.
  • The Intelligencer by Leslie Silbert takes place in modern times but is centered around the 1593 murder of playwright Christopher Marlowe (you know, the guy who wrote The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus and Timburlaine the Great, among others. There were also theories afloat a long time ago that he was actually Shakespeare). This book recently appeared in a bookstore near you.
  • Name All the Animals a memoir by Alison Smith. Smith was 15 when her 18 year old brother was killed in a car crash. The book is about how she and her family tried to live their lives in the aftermath. Available now.
  • The Will to Change by bell hooks. A nonfiction book about masculinity and maleness in our changing times. The book was published in December.
  • And finally a book that arrived in the mail just before Valentine's Day and which hubby and I both started reading (he was sent two copies for some reason), The Bride Stripped Bare by Anonymous. This is a book I wouldn't normally choose to read. By Anonymous? It has bad novel written all over it. But hubby suggested we both give it a try. I warily agreed, declaring that if I didn't like it after one chapter I would not continue. So we both began to read. To our surprise and delight this is actually shaping up to be a good book. The book won't be out in stores until March 16th. I'm not done with it yet either so I'll just leave you hanging. This is my shameless ploy to get you to come back and read my review of it in a day or two, or maybe next week. It all depends on how much reading time I get. I've got to make an effort to make more reading time, the books are piling up fast.